This flashlight was provided by Sofirn as a sample for this review. I was not paid for making this video, nor have I held back on any negative opinions.
I review the Tunenge YC8003 - a flat-style flashlight with many different functions, including a 120dB alarm!
I review the Sofirn IF24Pro, the upgraded version of the IF24. Find out it's worth buying in this video.
I review the Convoy S8 with the CSLNM1.F1. This is the throwiest LED you can get that fits in a small host.
I review the Olight Olantern Stretch. This is a unique dual-light source lantern with an extendable head.
I review the Convoy M1 with the CSLNM1.F1 emitter - an incredible flashlight with a nearly 1km range! Perfect for spotting or self-defense.
I reviewed the Wuben T4, a new mini tactical flashlight that comes with an Osram W2 for long-range performance.
I talk about a new LEP demo module I received from Blue Lake/Flamingo Light, the manufacturer and source of all LEP modules you see in your favourite lights.