In this video, I review the Convoy L8 flashlight. I've included various high-quality beam shots. If you're looking for the perfect long-distance flashlight that won't break the bank, this is the one to get! What do you think of this light? Let me know in the comments.
I test whether the Sofirn IF22a produces more light when using a Samsung 30T/40T cell compared to the stock Sofirn 5000mAh cell.
In this video, I review the Wurkkos FC-12. This is a 2000+ lumen tactical flashlight powered by one 18650 battery.
The 2022 model Sofirn IF22a is a compact Thrower flashlight that produces over 2000 lumens. It comes fitted with a Luminus SFT40 emitter. This is the domeless version of the SST40, but with increased performance. In summary, the IF22a has become my pocketable 'go-to' light for long-distance applications. This is a budget-friendly light with excellent build quality.
In this video, I review the Joby Gorillapod 1K with my Sony A7C + kit lens + Tamron 28-200. Will this tripod hold stand up to a total load above 1kg? Watch the video and find out!
In this video, I review the Rode VideoMic Go 2, a compact shotgun mic that can be attached to your camera via the microphone jack.
Sofirn IF25a Flashlight: Turbo tests Samsung 40T, Sofirn 4000 and 5000mAh In this video, I test out three different 21700 cells (Samsung 40T, Sofirn 4000/5000mAh) in my Sofirn IF25a to see if any of them produce more lumens. Paid link – I may earn a small commission at no extra […]
In this video, I compare the relative brightness of the Wuben C2, Sofirn SP35 and Sofirn SC31 Pro using a lux app on my phone.
This is my review of the Sofirn SC31 Pro. This is a 2000 lumen EDC flashlight with Anduril, 18650 battery & Type-C. This video ended up longer than I had anticipated, but I wanted to cover as much as I could.
This is a fun video that I made to try and test whether I could boil water using some of my flashlights. All of the lights in this video will burn darker objects like wood, and paper. Lighter objects like white paper seem to reflect most of the light/heat.
In this video, I test out the Imalent MR90 in a dark park. I go through the different modes and push this light to the max.