Get The Wuben A1
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Wuben A1 Review:
General thoughts after a week of usage/size comparison/practicality/interesting things:
• So I own a ton of flashlights as you guys would know. And I rarely get a light that makes me drop everything. But the Wuben A1 is one of those lights. This is the light you get when you want to go all out. It’s a gigantic flashlight that produces 20,000 lumens, which doesn’t sound like much when compared to those 50-100k lumen flooders. However, the A1 comes with a unique 4x SBT90.2 configuration which makes it optimized for long-range performance – it’s a legitimate searchlight that puts everything else to shame! I’ve always found that high candela or an intensely focused beam is more impressive than a wall of light.
• What’s in the box?
• Compared to Convoy 3X21D, Imalent MR90, Xtar S3
Overall Construction, LED, lens, bezel and reflector
• This is one monster of a flashlight! It weighs close to 3 kg with the battery pack. Good thing it comes with a shoulder strap – there are multiple spots on the body to attach it. Machining is top-notch – there are no inconsistencies or sharp spots. There are some cooling fins on the head and cutouts on the body to increase surface area and heat dissipation. Even some knurling on the battery tube. There’s a radio receiver under the head that pairs with a remote that sits on top of the handle. The handle is really useful when operating the light on higher modes for longer durations. There are also two physical buttons on the light.
• Bezel appears to be made of aluminium – anodised. 4XSBT90.2 with quad reflector/AR glass.
• 8X21700 – you can unscrew the battery pack from the head. Remove the cap on the end to charge. There’s a battery indicator and support for reverse charging. Rated at 33600mAh and can fast charge in 5 hours.
UI – modes
• Press the power button to switch on to the last remembered mode. Press and hold for the strobe.
• The second button changes modes with a single click. Press and hold for turbo (momentary when off, constant when on)
• Four clicks of the power button to unlock/lock
• Three clicks for breathing LED effect
Performance – total output, beam profile, longevity, practicality
• Ceiling bounce test, CRI, CCT
• Large hotspot with ample amounts of spill – can see all around the target point easily.

• This isn’t your usual EDC! Weighs nearly 3kg and it’s bulky too. But I’m glad it is – because it’s the only way to get those throw figures and sustained output without burning out the four high-powered LEDs. The A1 is marketed as a search and rescue/exploration or off-road light to mount to your car, so the extra weight and rugged construction make sense.
• Expensive – but this is a one-of-a-kind. I’m wary of most other high-lumen flashlights as I’ve read reports of components failing prematurely. However, I feel more confident with the effective temperature regulation and heatsinking of the A1.
• Built-in battery pack – proprietary.
• If you’re looking for the ultimate searchlight/thrower and have some extra cash lying around… this is well and truly going to scratch that itch. It’s going to be difficult to find anything that tops this unless you’re going for a flooder. Comparing it to all my other throwers, nothing comes remotely close to illuminating a large, distant area.