This one hit me by surprise, the Convoy M21H with XHP70.3 HI. Huge output with over 300m throw. It manages to do that with a diffused TIR lens, something I haven’t seen before. Essentially you get the smooth, floody beam, 180-degree spill + a large diffused hotspot. Definitely worth looking at if you’re looking for an all-rounder flashlight. I added an M21B tail cap on the end, and it turns into a tactical flashlight! Anyway, watch my video to find out more. I have lots of beam shots this time.
Get the Convoy M21H here 👇 (official Convoy store, non-affiliate link)
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Convoy M21H – XHP 70.3HI Review
General thoughts after a week of usage/size comparison/practicality/interesting things:
• First single TIR lens Convoy flashlight I’ve owned. I don’t think there are others. Interestingly it has a frosted TIR lens. Perhaps to smooth out the beam as these large LEDs can produce a darker area in the centre of the beam in smaller hosts.
• This light has one of the nicest beams I’ve seen on a light. 180-degree visibility, mostly flood with decent throw.
• Comes with USB-C charging, and a battery if pay a few more dollars.
• Comparison with other lights.
Overall Construction, LED, lens, bezel, and reflector
• Diffused TIR lens design. Haven’t seen something like this before and was skeptical at first. But I love it now. Glass lens in front of the TIR thankfully.
Performance – total output, beam profile, longevity, practicality
• CCT, CRI, Ceiling bounce test
• Beautiful smooth beam as I mentioned before with surprisingly good throw, given the diffused lens… Thanks to the XHP70.3HI. Heat is managed well. The LED is very efficient @5A.

• Head is a little bulky, but will still fit in your pocket
This is a surprisingly good EDC, general-purpose flashlight that won’t break the bank.