I compare the Sofirn IF25A and the Wurkkos TS21. Find out my thought on both lights and which I'd recommend to you in this video.
The SC32, SC18, and SC31 Pro are the smallest 18650 flashlights that are offered by Sofirn. Interestingly, they have significant differences that you need to be aware of before buying.
In this video, I review the Sofirn SC32 flashlight. Sofirn has released a number of these smaller 18650 cell flashlights recently, which are almost as small as some 14500 lights.
in this video, I discuss my top 5 favorite pocket throwers (Nextorch T10L, Sofirn IF22a, Convoy M2, Wurkkos FC12, Speras M4). Although there are lots of throwy flashlights out there, I tend to carry around these 5 most often and have found them useful for walks and general use. Before you buy yourself a long-range flashlight, make sure you watch this video so that you make the right choice.
In this comparison video, we'll look at two popular flashlights, the Wuben C2, and the Sofirn SP35. This video has been requested a few times so I decided to run through the differences and which one I think is best. Which light would you grab if you had to choose one?
In this video, I compare the Speras M4 with the Sofirn IF22a. Stick around to the end of the video where you can see high-quality beam shots.
In this video, I test whether a spring bypass makes my Sofirn IF52a brighter. You’ll be amazed at the results! I made a short video on how to do a spring bypass here: Sofirn IF25a: (Paid Link) Ceiling Bounce Test results:Before: 685luxAfter: 836 lux 150 lux gain for […]
I test whether the Sofirn IF22a produces more light when using a Samsung 30T/40T cell compared to the stock Sofirn 5000mAh cell.
The 2022 model Sofirn IF22a is a compact Thrower flashlight that produces over 2000 lumens. It comes fitted with a Luminus SFT40 emitter. This is the domeless version of the SST40, but with increased performance. In summary, the IF22a has become my pocketable 'go-to' light for long-distance applications. This is a budget-friendly light with excellent build quality.