In this video, I review the Wuben L50. This is a pocketable flashlight with a long-range beam profile. This flashlight has been out for quite some time but I thought it'd be worth taking a look, given how popular it is on Amazon.
In this video, I review the long-anticipated Lumintop AD01. This is a unique flashlight that features a large TIR lens for maximum range. It also accepts primary cells!
In this video, I compare the Nextorch K40 and Reylight Pineapple Mini. Do you need a dedicated EDC flashlight, or is a keychain light enough? Find out by watching this video.
I've been used to a spartan-like design from most of my Convoy lights... so I was surprised to find this one on the Convoy website, tucked away at the back!
In this video, I compare the Convoy L21B (CSLPM1.F1) and the Convoy C8+ (CSLNM1.TG). Do you need a bigger thrower or is a medium-sized one good enough?
In this video, I compare the Nextorch TA30C Max with the Nextorch TA30 Max. Both have very similar specs, but there are some important differences that separate them apart.
In this video, I compare the Nitecore P23i and the Convoy M21B. Find out the difference and whether the Nitecore is worth the extra money in this video!